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戴尼提 |
這本書以石破天驚之勢,開啟了一場全球性的運動。這是L. 羅恩 賀伯特的劃時代鉅作,書中描述他的發現:潛藏在人類之中,奴役人類的反應式心靈。反應式心靈是惡夢、非理性的恐懼、沮喪及不安的來源。本書告訴您如何去除它,達到人類長久以來追尋的目標──清新者。這是一本完整的戴尼提聽析步驟手冊;光憑這本書,任何具一般智力的兩個人,都可以擊碎那束縛他們的鎖鏈,從過去的沮喪及創傷中掙脫。《戴尼提》名列暢銷書排行榜,已經持續了半個世紀以上,翻譯成五十多種語言,發行量高達數千萬冊,並使用於地球上超過一百個國家──無庸置疑,它是史上有關人類心靈方面,讀者群最廣也最有影響力的一本書。那也就是為何人們永遠稱它為第一本書。
- 人的目標
- 存在的動力原則,即驅動所有生命的一個詞
- 四大動力──從生命整體劃分出的各個驅動力
- 生存的描述圖──揭開一個人真正的潛能,以及達到它的過程
- 反應式心靈的發現與完整剖析
- 包含在反應式心靈中的痛苦經歷──印痕;它會命令人做出違反自己願望與目標的非理性行動
- 出生前印痕的影響──在您出生之前發生了什麼事,以及這些事從此以後如何一直影響著您
- 戴尼提程序讓你可以找出並根除這些有害的經驗,使它們永遠不再影響您,因而呈現出一個您一直想瞭解的人──您自己。
The bolt from the blue that began a worldwide movement. For here is L. Ron Hubbard’s landmark book presenting his discovery of the reactive mind that underlies and enslaves Man. It’s the source of nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets and insecurity. And here is the way to get rid of it and achieve the long sought goal of Clear. This is the complete handbook of Dianetics procedure and, with it, any two reasonably intelligent people can break the chains that have held them prisoner to the upsets and trauma of the past. A bestseller for more than half a century and with tens of millions of copies in print, translated in more than fifty languages and used in more than 100 countries of Earth, Dianetics is indisputably the most widely read and influential book about the human mind ever written. And for that reason, it will forever be known as Book One.
Containing discoveries heralded as greater than the wheel or fire, Dianetics has remained a bestseller for more than 50 years. And with over 20 million copies in print, generating a movement that spans over 100 nations, it’s indisputably the most widely read and influential book ever written about the human mind.
Here is the anatomy and full description of the reactive mind, the previously unknown source of nightmares, unreasonable fears, upsets and insecurities which enslave Man. This book shows you how to get rid of it, and so achieve something Man has previously only dreamed of: the State of Clear.
Among the discoveries herein:
- The Goal of Man
- The Dynamic Principle of Existence—the one word that motivates all living things
- The Four Dynamics—the drives upon which all of life is compartmented
- The Descriptic Graph of Survival—revealing one’s true potential and how to achieve it
- The discovery of and complete anatomy of the reactive mind
- The painful experiences—engrams—contained in the reactive mind which command one to act irrationally against their own wishes and goals
- The impact of prenatal engrams—what took place before you were born and how it’s influenced you ever since
- The complete Dianetics procedure to discover and eradicate these harmful experiences so they never affect you again, revealing the one person you’ve always wanted toknow—you.