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一門科學的演進 |
這本書講述L. 羅恩 賀伯特如何發現反應式心靈,並發展聽析步驟,以去除反應式心靈的故事。本書原本是為了配合《戴尼提:現代心靈健康科學》的出版,而發表於一本全國性雜誌的文章,《戴尼提》一出版,即在一夕之間立刻如野火燎原,掀起一股運動。本書收錄了戴尼提的基本原理,也是唯一講述賀伯特先生二十年來研究歷程的著作。書中並敘述了他如何運用科學的研究方法,解開人類心靈的問題和謎團。因而達到了人類一萬年來探索的巔峰。
本書原本是為了配合《戴尼提:現代心靈健康科學》的出版,而發表於一本全國性雜誌的文章,書中講述了L. 羅恩 賀伯特的研發過程,以及他二十年來研究反應式心靈的歷程。
- 終極電腦──也就是心靈──如何運作
- 賀伯特先生如何發現基本人格
- 存在的動力原則:生存!最初是如何找到的
- 錯誤答案如何進入您的心靈,如何固定在心靈中,造成更多的錯誤答案
- 心靈中似乎有「惡魔」;這是怎麼回事
- 印痕是如何被發現的
- 戴尼提技術是如何研發出來的
This is the story of how L. Ron Hubbard discovered the reactive mind and developed the procedures to get rid of it. Originally written for a national magazine—published to coincide with the release of Dianetics...
Originally written and published in national magazines to coincide with the release ofDianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, here is L. Ron Hubbard’s own story of his developmental trail and two-decade journey to the discovery of the Reactive Mind.
Evolution of a Science contains the only account of:
- How the optimum computing machine—the mind—works
- How Mr. Hubbard discovered Basic Personality
- How the Dynamic Principle of Existence—SURVIVE!—was first isolated
- How wrong answers enter into the mind and are held down, giving further wrong answers
- How there seem to be “Demons” of the mind
- How the engram was discovered
- How Dianetics techniques were developed
That’s why Evolution of a Science is the story of the greatest adventure of all—the exploration that discovered the Reactive Mind and the technology to conquer it. He wrote it so you would know.