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原始理論 |
這是L. 羅恩 賀伯特第一部有關戴尼提的作品。這本書原本以手稿的形式在少數人之間傳閱,很快地,有人拷貝了手稿,再傳給其他人,直到它傳遍了全球。口耳相傳的結果,許多人請求羅恩提供更多資訊。所以羅恩收到了數千封要求更多資料的來信,最後他決定回覆各界詢問的唯一方法,就是寫一本書。這本書就是《戴尼提:現代心靈健康科學》。該書至今仍是心靈書籍的首席暢銷書。請來發現,這一切是怎麼開始的!因為這本書裡有戴尼提最基礎的發現與公式:戴尼提的主要公理──建構這整門學科的公理。
- 發現驅動所有生命形式的存在的動力原則:生存!
- 組成生命,並決定個人生存的四大動力
- 反應式心靈的發現與剖析
- 印痕──所有非理性行為的唯一根源
- 每一個印痕都含有的強大指令;它使得在戴尼提之前,人類無法發現及處理印痕
- 分析式心靈的功能與運作方式
- 清新者的屬性與潛能的第一份描述
- 最重要的是復返的法則──其中包含聽析如何運作、為何有效的解答
Here is the bedrock foundation of Dianetics discoveries: the Original Axioms, the Dynamic Principle of Existence, the Anatomy of the Analytical and Reactive Mind, the Dynamics, the Tone Scale, the Auditor’s Code and the first description of a Clear. Even more than that, here are the primary laws describing how and why auditing works.
Here is Ron’s first description of Dianetics. Originally circulated in manuscript form to a few friends, it was soon copied and passed hand-to-hand until it literally circled the globe. But the resultant word of mouth only fueled the fire. With thousands of letters requesting more information, Ron concluded the only way to answer all inquiries was with a book. That book was Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, now the all-time bestseller on the mind. Find out what started it all. For here are the bedrock discoveries and equations of Dianetics, including:
- The Primary Axioms of Dianetics—axioms upon which the entire subject is built
- The discovery of the Dynamic Principle of Existence that drives all life forms—SURVIVE!
- The Four Dynamics by which life is compartmented and which determine one’s survival
- The discovery and anatomy of the Reactive Mind
- Engrams, the single source of all irrational behavior
- The powerful command in every engram which prevented their discovery and handling before Dianetics
- The Analytical Mind, its function and operation
- The first description of the state of Clear, its attributes and potentials
- And, most important, the Laws of Returning—containing the explanation of both howand why auditing works
Here, then, are the fundamental breakthroughs Ron used to make the first Clears—breakthroughs which made possible the development of technology for use by every individual to begin the clearing of a planet, breakthroughs only contained in Dianetics: The Original Thesis.